Men Around the Prophet Season 1

Men Around the Prophet Season 1

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Men Around the Prophet Season 1
  • Episode 25: Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman Part 1

    Hudayfah was taught Islam by his parents who were among the first Muslims. He longed to meet the Prophet PBUH and became a helper, participating in many engagements except for Badr. The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him confided in Hadhayfah earning him the title of “The Keeper of the Secretes...

  • Episode 26: Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman Part 2

    During the Battle of the Trench, the Muslims were completely surrounded, with only 300 men against a huge army. Hudhayfah lost his father at this time and the Prophet PBUH comforted him telling him they are now in paradise. After the death of the Prophet PBUH, Omar ibn al-Khattab summoned Hudhayf...

  • Episode 27: Khalid ibn al-Walid Part 1

    Khalid bin al-Walid participated in many battles in the name of Islam and protecting the message of the Prophet PBUH. The Prophet PBUH gave him the title the “Drawn Sword of Allah”. He makes sure to only fight those who are aggressors and spares the innocent. The invasion of Mu’tah was the first ...

  • Episode 28: Khalid ibn al-Walid Part 2

    Khalid led the Muslim army to many victories, expanding the Islamic Empire. In 638, he was dismissed from military services by Umar because of people's overconfidence on him. Khalid fought around 200 battles, both major battles and minor skirmishes during his military career. When Khalid fell ill...

  • Episode 29: Mus‘ab ibn 'Umair Part 1

    Mus’ab bin Umayr learns of the Prophet’s PBUH religion being spread within the borders of Mecca. Despite his tribesmen rejecting the Prophet PBUH, Mus’ab wants to hear him out before making up his mind. He finds a man praying and learns more of Islam from him. He then goes to the Prophet PBUH and...

  • Episode 30: Mus‘ab ibn 'Umair Part 2

    Mus’ab suffers greatly in prison for his beliefs, and when he finds out that the Prophet PBUH ordered the oppressed Muslims to migrate to Ethiopia, he escapes prison and goes to Ethiopia. The Prophet PBUH chooses Mus’ab as his ambassador to the first Muslims in Yathrib, to serve as their teacher ...